In the American spirit of Thanksgiving, and the Hindu culture of recognizing service, we would like to convey our gratitude to some very special people today.
Firstly, we would like to thank the people in the below picture and their extended families that have now served the Temple for 24 continuous years in the toughest area – the kitchen. To elaborate, operating the kitchen means:
– to ensure equipment, groceries, supplies, utensils, people, etc are available
– to wash and dry utensils but also to clean and maintain the equipment
– to be available when the Temple needs them and to prepare meals ranging from 100 to 1200 people
– to ensure food is handled and stored properly
– to ensure food tastes fantastic
– and to ensure that when others use the kitchen that it is handed over pristinely
Surely, nobody is up to this challenge to take this over from Kanubhai and his family and extended family (see pic). We owe them a huge debt of gratitude, especially because they have not only fed thousands at the Temple over the years but also raised tens of thousands for the Temple through their service. When you talk to Kanubhai you will notice humility, devotion and an amazing sense of duty to the Temple.
(These people have been unduly criticized by some mean-spirited flyers which we will address at the end of this message)
Secondly, we would like to thank the Ramlila team again for the wonderful performance. The previous message did not elaborate on their efforts. Putting a performance like this together requires script writing, casting, costumes, props, practice, practice, practice, venues for practice, food during practice, childcare during practice, commitment, etc. Below are all the names of the Ramlila artists, director and supporting volunteers.
Manan Raval, Director |
Kamlesh Singh, Hanuman ji + Props |
Subhash Bhandari, Ravan + Co-Director |
Rahul Saxena, Sri Ram ji + Venues |
Anujj Saxena, Vishwamitra ji |
Sangeetha Bhandari, Co-Director + Venues |
Jiten Keswani, Laxman ji |
Sandeep Basu, Parshuram ji |
Laxmikant Misra, Kumbhakarm + Dashrath ji |
Sugandh Chaturvedi, Sita Mata |
Aseem Gupta, Bharath ji |
Chinkal Patel, Shabari |
Soumya Paul, MC and Host |
Priyanka Thakur, Surpanaka |
Anil, Angad |
Hriday Raval, Marketing |
Himanshu Saxena, Janak + Megnath |
Naveen, Vibheeshan |
Swetha Saxena, Narration |
Madhu Srivastava, Kaikeyi |
Vanisri, Props |
Neetu Verma, Makeup |
Sanjana Thomas, Props + Screen |
Aditi, Props |
+ Dancers |
+ Child artists |
Sheji Matthew, Props + Screen |
(These people have also been unduly criticized by the same mean-spirited flyers which we will address at the end of this message)
Thirdly, we would like to thank Nandkumar Khemchandani ji for the most amazing job he does in maintaining our member database. Over the last two decades he has painstakingly maintained information about the members – first in an archaic system that required him to come to the Temple every weekend and now in a more modern system which he helped setup. A “stickler for details” as he is, he follows strict processes to ensure that the challenging tasks of maintaining names, addresses, contact information, spouse names, amounts given at various times, purpose of donation, etc are maintained. And this election, which will likely be the largest by far we have witnessed, has in itself brought in a flood of new memberships, constant questions, complaints of typos, etc. which he has been ever-so-patiently working through.
Note to members : The member list can be seen at HSGC Membership List Till Nov 15, 2024 – Hindu Temple of Greater Cincinnati
And another special Thanks to the “matched couple” Ramesh ji and Meena ji Sondhi whose dedication to the Temple, their daily presence to help, and the heavy workload they take on for scheduling, booking, communicating, coordinating, etc.
A special mention and Thanks to Kamlesh Singh who has dramatically increased the energy level among volunteers. He has single-handedly reduced maintenance costs at the Temple by several thousand, has worked with others to improve Karaoke, Mata ki Chowki and other audio programs, has helped in bringing new volunteers to the Temple, and has played the all-powerful Hanuman ji in Ramlila. In reality he brings the energy, strength, honesty, devotion and dedication of Hanuman ji every day to the Temple.
Next, we would like to thank Mr. Deepak Dixit, Mr. Shri Sharma and Mr. Balasubramaniam Ambikaipakan, who are The Election Commission for the 2025 election to be held on Dec 15th at the Sharonville Convention Center from 5-6 pm. We were informed that they are planning security, volunteers, auditors, observers, ballots, counters, lists, etc, etc. It is certainly not a check-the-box job this year and we hope all of you join the election and cast your vote in this crucial election, but as you do so, please stop and thank all the volunteers.
We would also like to thank all the Executive Council members of 2024 (Committees – Hindu Temple of Greater Cincinnati) for their courage in making tough decisions to serve the community. We also thank all those contesting the election for 2025 – especially those that are aware that they will face shameless bullying but have decided that they will stand tall and serve the community and the Temple.
Finally, we thank all other volunteers and donors. Your contributions are truly appreciated. And as members, we want to thank you in advance for casting your vote in the upcoming election.
Thank you all for your service!
As promised in the last General Body meeting, we have recorded a “restrictive covenant” on all Temple owned properties that essentially vest the right to sell any real estate with the General Body (or the members of the Temple) and does not leave it with the Executive Council.
Why is the important you ask? …. well that is the crux of the issue … many in the community have voiced concerns of ulterior motives behind the nasty propaganda, the vandalism at the Temple, the prejudice driven campaigns, etc.
For example, a flyer this week accused the volunteers at the Ramlila event of not providing reimbursement for use of gas, water, appliances, tables, etc. While these accusers are fully aware that in the entire history of this Temple, volunteers have used the kitchen to raise money for the Temple, they are deliberately attacking such volunteers. After this message came out, we heard from Kanubhai, who said, “I cooked in the Temple kitchen for a wedding in Jayesh Mehta’s family the day after the demise of my mother because we had committed to raise money for the Temple.” Such noble devotion!! – being meted out this kind of shameful treatment?
– What could be the motive of these anonymous cowards
– What could be the motive of insulting and turning
away volunteers from the Temple?
– What could be the motive behind the prejudice that
they introduced in the community?
– What could be the motive behind stalling projects
that were underway?
– What could be the motive behind pressuring their
friends that graciously donated to ask for their money back?
The net result could only be that fewer people come and only a few could enjoy this Temple as though it were their own. Potentially that would give them control over the assets as well. And they already stated openly that they seek retirement homes for themselves on Temple land.
All this adds up to something sinister. Hence, the Executive Council voted to put the restrictive covenant on the real estate so it cannot be used by anyone for their personal gain and the General Body would need to vote on decisions pertaining to the real estate.
More has to be done in the near future. Audits on inventory have to be conducted after only two people held the keys to the Temple’s valuables for that last 26 years. The Temple’s bank balances have never been larger thanks to the fantastic efforts in the last 3 years and we have to introduce strong controls on them.
As a community, the task now is to choose the right team to run the Temple. We ask that you do so after you research the candidates:
– what have they done for the Temple in the past
– what is their financial background (and not everything is what meets the eyes)
– what is their stated agenda (and is there something deeper to it)
And as you vote, please bear in mind that you are voting for a Temple. Let conscience drive your decision above friendships and loyalties. May our Gods guide your choice.
Vinod Sudhakar
President, Executive Council