HSGC Members,
Please see below for the process that will be followed in HSGC Executive Council Election on Dec 15, 2024.
- Nomination Forms are available at the HSGC Website and HERE. The Forms for each position must be completed and submitted by each of the candidates directly via hsgcelection2025@gmail.com and should not be copied to anyone else.
- No Negative or derogatory comments of personal nature against the candidates, elected or appointed members of EC are permitted by any Nominee. The Election Commission may consider such comments in negative light and present them to the General Body for its review and possible sanction of the candidate.
- The membership list will be available on the HSGC website for its review by the members for verification of their individual membership status. If there are any errors or omissions, these will be appropriately corrected.
- The voting will be: In-Person, by secret ballot. Only eligible HSGC members will be allowed to vote.
- Vote counting will be manual, and the election commission shall appoint two well-respected and independent observers during voting and counting. If there is any dispute, the Election Commission’s decision will be considered final.
- The Election Commission will finalize and certify the election within 24 hours after the elections close! In the case of lack of quorum, provisional results will be announced within 24 hours, but the provisional results will be submitted via electronic means to HSGC members at large for approval within 7 days of the election (See By Laws VIII . 6). For other exceptions, the election commission will go by constitutional remedies.
- Businesses and community organizations are not eligible to vote. If a member has donated to the temple using their company name, they need to contact the secretary to request addition of their individual/family name for inclusion in the voter list.
- The day after the nomination deadline, the election commission will publish the writeup given by the candidates, limited to one page. The write-up should include the background of the candidate, and the candidate’s vision for the position sought. If the write-up contains derogatory, offensive, or slanderous content, the election commission will not publish the write-up. The write-ups will published on HSGC website, temple bulletin board, and via email blast.
Deepak Dixit
Shri Sharma
Balasubramaniam Ambikaipakan
HSGC Election Commision